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We found 54 dictionaries that include the word rider:

General dictionaries General (29 matching dictionaries)
  1. rider: [home, info]
  2. rider: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries [home, info]
  3. rider: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language [home, info]
  4. rider: Collins English Dictionary [home, info]
  5. rider: [home, info]
  6. Rider, rider: Wordnik [home, info]
  7. rider: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary [home, info]
  8. Rider, rider: Wiktionary [home, info]
  9. rider: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed. [home, info]
  10. rider: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus [home, info]
  11. rider: Infoplease Dictionary [home, info]
  12. rider: [home, info]
  13. rider: Online Etymology Dictionary [home, info]
  14. Rider, rider: UltraLingua English Dictionary [home, info]
  15. rider: Cambridge Dictionary of American English [home, info]
  16. Rider (contract), Rider (imprint), Rider (legislation), Rider (software), Rider (theater), Rider, The Rider (film), The Rider (novel), The Rider: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info]
  17. Rider: Online Plain Text English Dictionary [home, info]
  18. rider: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition [home, info]
  19. rider: Rhymezone [home, info]
  20. Rider: Multi-Lingual Dictionary [home, info]
  21. rider: Webster's 1828 Dictionary [home, info]
  22. Rider: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898) [home, info]
  23. rider: Free Dictionary [home, info]
  24. rider: Mnemonic Dictionary [home, info]
  25. rider: WordNet 1.7 Vocabulary Helper [home, info]
  26. Rider, rider: LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info]
  27. rider: Dictionary/thesaurus [home, info]

Art dictionaries Art (1 matching dictionary)
  1. RIDER: Technical Glossary of Theatre Terms [home, info]

Business dictionaries Business (14 matching dictionaries)
  1. Rider: [home, info]
  2. rider: Webster's New World Law Dictionary [home, info]
  3. Rider: Duhaime's Canadian law dictionary [home, info]
  4. rider: Dictionary [home, info]
  5. rider: Everybody's Legal Dictionary [home, info]
  6. rider: INVESTORWORDS [home, info]
  7. rider: Glossary of Legal Terms [home, info]
  8. RIDER: C-SPAN Congressional Glossary [home, info]
  9. RIDER: Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856 Edition [home, info]
  10. Rider: Investopedia [home, info]
  11. rider: Legal dictionary [home, info]
  12. rider: Financial dictionary [home, info]
  13. rider: [home, info]
  14. Rider: Yahoo Tax Center Glossary [home, info]

Computing dictionaries Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. rider: Encyclopedia [home, info]

Medicine dictionaries Medicine (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Rider: Underwriter's Glossary [home, info]
  2. rider: online medical dictionary [home, info]

Miscellaneous dictionaries Miscellaneous (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Rider: baby names list [home, info]
  2. RIDER: Acronym Finder [home, info]

Slang dictionaries Slang (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. Rider: Totally Unofficial Rap [home, info]
  2. Rider: Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade [home, info]
  3. The Rider, rider: Urban Dictionary [home, info]

Tech dictionaries Tech (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Rider: AUTOMOTIVE TERMS [home, info]
  2. Rider: Glossary of Coal Mining Terms [home, info]

(Note: See riderless as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (
American English Definition British English Definition
noun:  A mounted person.
noun:  (now archaic or historical) A knight, or other mounted warrior.
noun:  An old Dutch gold coin with the figure of a man on horseback stamped upon it.
noun:  (generally) Someone who rides a horse or (later) a bicycle, motorcycle etc.
noun:  (now historical or archaic) A mounted robber; a bandit, especially in the Scottish borders.
noun:  (obsolete) Someone who breaks in or manages a horse; a riding master.
noun:  (now rare, historical) An agent who goes out with samples of goods to obtain orders; a commercial traveller or travelling salesman.
noun:  (now chiefly US) Someone riding in a vehicle; a passenger on public transport.
noun:  An addition, supplement.
noun:  (politics) A supplementary clause added to a document after drafting, especially to a bill under the consideration of a legislature.
noun:  An amendment or addition to an entertainer's performance contract, often covering a performer's equipment or food, drinks, and general comfort requirements.
noun:  An additional matter or question arising in corollary; a qualification.
noun:  A supplementary question, now especially in mathematics.
noun:  Technical senses.
noun:  (shipbuilding) An interior rib occasionally fixed in a ship's hold, reaching from the keelson to the beams of the lower deck, to strengthen the frame.
noun:  (mining, now rare) Rock material in a vein of ore, dividing it.
noun:  (nautical, in the plural) The second tier of casks in a vessel's hold.
noun:  A small, sliding piece of thin metal on a balance, used to determine small weights.
noun:  (cartomancy) The first Lenormand card, also known as either the horseman or the cavalier.
noun:  (chess) A piece, such as the rook or bishop, which moves any distance in one direction, as long as no other piece is in the way.
noun:  A surname originating as an occupation. More often spelled Ryder.






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Crossword clues:
bill add-on,   one who mounts,   bill tack-on,   jockey or bicyclist,   one who rides,   insecurity clause,   person on a horse,   who rode,   politician's add-on

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