

A cartulary or chartulary (/ˈkɑrtjʊləri/, Latin: "cartularium" or "chartularium)," also called Pancarta and Codex Diplomaticus, is a medieval manuscript volume or roll ("rotulus") containing transcriptions of original documents relating to the foundation, privileges, and legal rights of ecclesiastical establishments, municipal corporations, industrial associations, institutions of learning, or private families. The term is sometimes also applied to collections of original documents bound in one volume or attached to one another so as to form a roll, as well as to custodians of such collections.


Cartulário é a designação dada ao registo dos títulos ou antiguidade de uma corporação, convento ou igreja.

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Cartulary Cartulário

Fontes não verificadas (português → inglês)(PT → EN)

Cartulary for the collection of documents [...]
(of a legal, educational, economic and regulatory nature) belonging to the University, then situated in Lisbon.
Cartulário elaborado para reunir os [...]
documentos de índole judicial, pedagógica, económica e normativa da Universidade, então situada em Lisboa.
Barley with
[...] honey (Old Testament) Cartulary to collect documents [...]
of a legal, educational, economic and regulatory nature
of the University, then situated in Lisbon.
Cevada com mel
[...] (antigo testamento) Cartulário elaborado para reunir [...]
os documentos de índole judicial, pedagógica, económica
e normativa da Universidade, então situada em Lisboa.
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